Great Skua (Bonxie) - Preston Docks - 15th June 2014
About half 9 I read a Facebook post suggesting there was a Great Skua lingering about Preston Docks so with the decision made not to wash the car (my usual Sunday morning chore) I headed out. On first arrival in the car park near to Morrison's there was no sign of the bird and I was going to give up on what would be a tick but with a further trawl through Facebook I decided to head out for a further look and the word soon went out it was at the bottom end of the docks.
The bird though looked in reasonable health was clearly not in a good way as it struggled unsuccessfully to get in to the air. As it neared to the side of the dock I noticed it was ringed and it eventually settled on some steps enabling better views of the ring - Left leg Red NZ, right leg possibly 50C with a definite ending 460 with Norway also stamped. If I get any further news I will update this post. The bird was picked up by the RSPCA at lunch time after a phone call from local birder Colin Bushell
Above the front end of the metal ring possibly 50C, below the obvious KZ ring and the rear 460 and Norway on the metal ring
For those interested the car was washed and polished this evening by my own fair hands
We have the Skua at an RSPCA centre where he has had a wash and now being fed sprats as he was underweight on arrival.
Details will be sent out 'officially' soon, but this bird was ringed as a nestling on Herøy, Norway, in August 2013. This is only our secone record of a Norwegian-ringed Bonxie in the UK, so a notable bird indeed!
We have the Skua at an RSPCA centre where he has had a wash and now being fed sprats as he was underweight on arrival.
Details will be sent out 'officially' soon, but this bird was ringed as a nestling on Herøy, Norway, in August 2013. This is only our secone record of a Norwegian-ringed Bonxie in the UK, so a notable bird indeed!
Just to update you this bird after lots of feeding up was released back to the wild by the RSPCA
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